"Sound of Autumn: the Soundscape in Women's Poetry in Dynastic China" by Dr. Haihong Yang
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Her research focuses on Chinese women's literature and culture and literary translation. She also investigates the interactions between women's poetic creations and existing male scholars' discourses and probes how these interactions generated innovative self-identities and renovations
in poetic forms and aesthetics. After her first monograph Women's Poetry and Poetic in Late Imperial China: A Dialogic Engagement (Lexington Books, 2017), Dr. Yang is currently
working on two projects regarding women's writing in early modern China and her talk will provide a comparative perspective between British and Chinese women poets in the early modern era.
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: ALANA Services, Modern Languages & Literatures (OWNER), English Department, Center for the Humanities, Loyola College of Arts & Sciences, Language Learning Center
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