From: Natalie Cummins Date: February 1, 2023 Subject: OSE February Newsletter
General Updates/Reminders
Club/Organization Moderators, Leaders, and Officers: please share this newsletter with your members! They can access this newsletter on the RSO group page on The Bridge under the "Newsletters" tab, or on the RSO website under the "Upcoming Events," "Past Newsletters" tabs (link:
A reminder that moderators need to approve all event requests that students put in to The Bridge. Students should contact their moderator when an event has been submitted.
Clubs looking to request meeting space for every meeting through the end of the semester should not use the "recurring event" feature, but rather create one event and make a copy each time you need it. Unfortunately, when recurring events make it to Event Services, they can only see just one event, and doesn't allow them to copy the approved location to any of the other upcoming events. So while it's an additional step, it helps us ensure a location is reserved for each meeting/event, not just the first one.
Club of the Month Spotlight: Loyola Club Badminton
The OSE's February Club of the Month Spotlight is dedicated to Loyola Club Badminton! Club Badminton offers various levels of participation, from beginner to intermediate and advanced. No matter the level, the goal of Club Badminton is to create an environment where students with various skill levels can explore their interest in Badminton, practice in drills and games, and potentially even play in tournaments throughout the semester. One of Club Badminton's favorite events each school year is the annual Eastern Collegiate Team Badminton Championships: Mid Atlantic Conference held on UMD's campus.
If you are interested in joining Club Badminton, you can attend their meeting times (Mondays, 8-10pm, Wednesdays 9-11pm) at the Fitness and Aquatic Center (FAC). You can also reach out to club members Ryan Busby ( and Ryan Overton ( and follow Club Badminton on Instagram @loyolaclubbadminton!
Want to be OSE's March Club of the Month? Submit an application on The Bridge! Deadline to apply is Friday, February 24th.
Monthly RSO Highlights
Featured RSOs
Asian Cultural Alliance and Chinese Club: Lunar New Year
Evergreen Players: Smokefall
Office of Student Engagement: Spring Club Kickoff
If your club would like to be featured in future newsletter photo collages, please send photos from your RSO's events to Natalie ( or Jack (!
A Message from Maureen Dormer in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Your club or organization on campus can have a table at our Accepted Student Open Houses this spring. Our Open Houses will be held on February 18th, March 25th, and April 15th.
These large-scale events allow students to see all that Loyola has to offer, so we look forward to having many student groups represented during our Information Fair. This fair offers an opportunity for students and families to browse departments and programs and pose more specific questions in a 1:1 setting.
The Information Fair typically runs from 12:00pm to 1:30pm in Reitz Arena, and families typically begin arriving to the fair around 11:40am. Please email Maureen Dormer ( if you are interested in having a table for your group, as well as the name and email of who your representative will be for each Open House by Friday, February 3rd.
Thank you for helping create a fantastic and comprehensive experience for our prospective Greyhounds!
February Workshop Opportunities
Reminder: at least one officer from each RSO must attend at least one workshop this spring semester.
Please read the workshop descriptions and be sure to register for and attend at least one of the following workshops this semester! You can R.S.V.P. for any February workshops directly from this email below.
Graduating Seniors who complete their workshop requirement will hear from the Office of Student Engagement later in the semester for details on when and where to pick up your club leader pin.
Do you want to focus on your leadership style and use it to improve your student organization? Come to this RSO workshop to learn about creating a shared vision and how to use that to map out your group's path to being leaders on campus! Join Laura Kuhns, Assistant Director for Leadership Programs in the Office of Student Engagement to learn more.
Managing conflict is never a fun task, but it is crucial to providing and being a part of a productive team. Whether you feel you are an expert on navigating conflict or don't even know where to begin, it can be helpful to learn more about your own conflict management styles and how they might interact with those you work with. In this workshop, you will gain a better understanding of how conflict might show up in your work and how to navigate those difficult conversations that are bound to arise in any working relationship, especially as a leader. You will also have the opportunity to work through a conflict scenario or discuss with others the challenges or successes you have had during a difficult conversation. Assistant Director Katie Derreth in the Office of Student Engagement will be leading this session.
This interactive session will provide student leaders with an opportunity to enhance their knowledge and understanding of diversity and inclusion, reflect on their own identities and experiences, and learn how to cultivate an environment that promotes a sense of belonging for all. Rhona Little, Diversity and Inclusion Specialist in the Office of Equity and Inclusion will be leading this session.
Calling all club leaders! Let’s talk money! We know your club has amazing event ideas, and we’re here to help you bring these ideas to life. Come learn all about funding sources for clubs, the SGA Club Appropriations process, and how to create an itemized budget to submit with your proposals. We’ll answer all your questions and provide you with the tips and tricks to navigate the funding process seamlessly!
The Spring Activities Fair will be on Tuesday, February 7th from 1-4pm! All RSOs now have access to register to request a table at the fair. This is a great opportunity to promote your club and recruit new members.
Please fill out the form linked below ("Spring 2023 Activities Fair Registration") to indicate that your club would like a table. Because the fair will be held indoors this year, space is limited - there are just a few tables left!
For those groups already registered, you will recieve communication later this week with more details.
Loyola Men's Group
RoadTrip Atlas Leadership Position
The OSE is seeking applications for our RoadTrip Atlas leadership position set to take place during fall break in 2023. RoadTrip is Loyola’s longest sophomore tradition, and after a brief hiatus due to COVID-19, RoadTrip is back! Those who attend look forward to a weekend-long retreat where they have the opportunity to take a deep dive into their vocation and discernment.
One of the aspects of RoadTrip that make it so great are our student leader Atlases. Atlases are current sophomores and juniors who are committed to
the process of genuinely seeking sources of joy,
uncovering gifts and talents, and
examining ways to serve the world, both for themselves and with others.
As an Atlas you will guide student participants through small group discussions and give a brief talk on your own vocational discernment journey.
The full position description and responsibilities are included at the top of the application. Applications open Wednesday, January 18 at 8am and will close Monday, February 6, 2023 at 11:55pm.
Questions can be directed to Katie Derreth, Assistant Director of Student Engagement (
Late Night Opportunities
Charm City Trivia
Charm City Trivia is back! If your club is looking to host a Late Night event this semester, consider collaborating with Charm City Trivia to host a trivia night! As part of the partnership, your club will be eligible for Late Night funding. See below for the available dates:
Saturday, March 18th
Late Night Dates
We're encouraging student groups to host or collaborate to host a Late Night event during the spring 2023 semester. There are a few upcoming openings for this weekend and more opportunities throughout the semester:
February 3rd (for two events)
February 4th (for one event)
If you would like to host a Late Night event, please submit an event form on The Bridge! As a reminder, funding is available for Late Night events.
If you have any questions or are interested in collaborating on a Charm City Trivia event or hosting your own Late Night event, please reach out to Brittany Richmond-Davis (, Assistant Director in Student Engagement.