From: Erin Misiorek Date: February 2, 2024 Subject: February Club/Org Newsletter
Hi, Club Leaders:
We've got a busy month ahead! Please read this newsletter in its entirety for all the most recent updates. Feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.
Weekend Programming
As club leaders, your organization contributes greatly to creating a sense of community and belonging for students. As such, the Office of Student Engagement expects clubs and organizations to make intentional efforts toward offering weekend programs and social events for your peers. Resources are available for concerns regarding funding, brainstorming, execution of the event, and more.
Currently, we're looking for clubs to host an event on the following dates:
Saturday, February 24th
Saturday, March 16th
Friday, March 22nd
The weekend of April 12-13
The weekend of April 19-20
You can reach out to Erin (, Olivia (, or Jack ( with questions, ideas, or if you'd like to set up a meeting. Know that SGA and HAP are also great resources. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Spring Workshops
Take a look at the spring workshop calendar above (March and April Leadership Cafes TBD) and register to secure your spot today! Make sure one club officer attends to meet your spring workshop requirement. Questions about where your club stands with the workshop requirement? Send an email to Erin at
As a reminder, graduating seniors who contribute to their club's workshop requirement will be awarded a club leader pin to wear at graduation. All workshop attendees will also recieve a clubs and orgs notebook (that was to be given out at Club Kickoff) while supplies last. We have some great opportunities coming up and we hope to see you there!
Jon Weinstein, Entrepreneur in Residence at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be hosting a design thinking session at one of SGA's upcoming Joint Conferences. Any club leader who attends and checks in will meet their club's workshop requirement for the spring semester.
Please reach out to Reese ( with questions or concerns. See the event details below for more information.
Join the entire Student Government Association to discuss campus-wide initiatives, engage with speakers, and collaborate to improve our Evergreen community!
As we start a new semester, make sure you're up-to-speed with the student organization Posting Policy. Over the first few weeks of the semester, we've noticed a handful of flyers hung on painted pillars near the Starbucks area of the Student Center, which is in violation of the policy. Please also ensure you are bringing your flyer to the Student Engagement office to be stamped for approval prior to hanging your flyers. See the general reminders below, and check out the RSO website to find the complete Posting Policy.
Be mindful of the number of flyers you're posting in the Student Center as well. Typically, 7-10 copies are just enough for all the high traffic areas. You may also take advantage of digital signage to get your flyers on the TVs around campus. Just email your design to and let them know how long you'd like it to be in rotation. Your design can be in rotation for a maximum of two weeks.
Announcing February's Club of the Month:
Hounds Helping Hounds aims to provide pre-veterinary students and animal lovers the opportunity to practice animal welfare. We offer a supportive community and information for members interested in veterinary medicine. Last year, Hounds Helping Hounds hosted a visit at Evergreen Veterinary Care Clinic, where students were able to ask the staff questions. Most importantly, Hounds Helping Hounds hosts events that help students destress with animal related activities. In the fall, they invited students to paint their pets! The club plans to have similar events this spring including Puppy Love Valentine's Day Craft Night in February, Embroider Your Lab Coat/Scrubs in March, and Animal Theme Lego Making + Zootopia Movie Night in April.
Connect with Hounds Helping Hounds today on The Bridge, and find out more information about their upcoming events!
Cookies & Cocoa Open House with the SCI&E
Stop by the Simon Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Open House next Friday, February 9th from 3pm-5pm in the Campion Annex! This is a great opportunity to stop by and see the space, meet the SCI&E team, and learn about the resources available for student innovators, entrepreneurs, and club leaders. Bonus, enjoy homemade chocolate chip cookies from Desserts by Darcy and hot cocoa. See the attached flyer for details and see the event description below for more information and to RSVP.
Drop in for cookies and hot chocolate, meet the SCI&E team, and learn about resources for innovators, entrepreneurs, and club leaders. ALL are welcome!