Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for a comprehensive list of FAQs. Student leaders and moderators are encouraged to review the Club and Org Handbook for more information about all RSO policies.

  • As a club officer, what are my responsibilities regarding my club's Bridge group? What do I have access to manage?

    Club leaders with officer status have access to manage their group page. This includes access to the dashboard where you can manage membership, compose, send, and track emails, create events and track registrations, create surveys/forms and manage responses, upload files, photos, documents, and create news.

  • What is the required number of officers for an RSO?

    Each club must have at least one Lead Officer, at least two Officers, and at least one Moderator/Advisor identified at all times. Please be sure to contact us with any changes to your officers.

  • What is the difference between Lead Officer and Officer?

    The Lead Officer serves as the primary contact for "business" conducted with the Office of Student Engagement. Officers serve as a secondary contact. Any officer may attend required training or activities to satisfy participation requirements for your club.

  • I have a new officer in my club, but I can't add them myself. What should I do?

    Send an email to with the details of your change. Include new officer names (as well as any officers that should be removed). Someone in Student Engagement will be able to go in and make the changes for you. As a reminder, student officers and moderators do not have permissions to edit officer settings within their group.

  • What is the importance of actively using and populating my group page on The Bridge?

    An active and populated group page tells us you are an active club on campus. It also shows new and prospective members what your club has been up to, and they'll be more likely to join. Not using your Bridge group may result in your club being listed as "Inactive."

  • What does the event request process include?

    To request an event, you need to first create the event within your group. After filling out all details, you will be directed to a form to further indicate your needs for the event (a room reservation, table reservation, Motorpool request, etc.) Once you submit this form, your event request will enter a workflow approval process that first starts with an approval by your club's moderator.

  • My event is coming up this week, but it is not yet approved. What should I do?

    First, reach out to your moderator to ensure they've approved your event request. You can also reach out to the Student Engagement team, and someone will be able to check the status of your request. Rule of thumb: please allow 5-7 business days for your request to make it through each step of the workflow approval. Remember, in most cases, your request goes through your moderator, the RSO team, Event Services, and back to Student Engagement for the final approval.

  • How far in advance should I submit my request?

    It depends on the type of request. For meetings/events with no set-up or minimal needs, allow 5-7 business days for approval. For events with additional needs/set-up, allow 14 business days for approval. For events with outside vendors or off-campus travel, allow 14-21 business days for approval. (Note: business days are Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.)

  • My event on The Bridge is approved but the location still shows TBD. What should I do?

    If you notice this, please reach out to Student Engagement. Our staff will be able to adjust your event settings so that your approved location appears. In your event requests, do not click the "To Be Determined" box for your event location. This selection overrides the actual event location that Event Services fills in, which explains why you're still seeing "TBD."

  • My potential moderator wants to know how much involvement is required on their end.

    As far as the role of your club moderator goes, a moderator can make as large of a commitment as they would like. They do need to take basic steps in supporting your club, like approving the first step in any event requests (in their Bridge workflows.) We do ask that moderators attend any long distance or off-campus events if there is an element of risk involved (i.e., a skiing trip), but it is not necessary for them to attend every meeting. Moderators are also required to attend an annual moderator training (typically held via Zoom) to be briefed on all pertinent club information, expectations, and requirements. On the administrative end, we will need an up-to-date copy of the Moderator Verification Form, this is done during club re-registration and at any other point where there might be a change in moderator for a club.

  • I want to request a Loyola vehicle for my club's off-campus trip. What does this process look like?

    First, you will need to make sure a few of your club members are certified to drive Loyola vehicles. Each student interested in being certified should complete the registration process. Keep in mind that even students who were approved to drive last year may be asked to recertify at the beginning of the new academic year. Once you have student drivers, you will request Motorpool via the "Create Event" process on The Bridge. The form will instruct you to include all relevant details about your trip. OSE will then submit the reservation request to Motorpool. Student requestors and drivers will receive email updates from Parking and Transportation with more details.

  • What are my funding options?

    Student groups who meet training requirements may submit funding requests via the SGA Club Appropriation Request form. Other options for funding include Weekend Programming, fundraising, and Education for Life.

    SGA Funding - Submit the SGA funding request form. Be sure you have uploaded an itemized budget (a template is attached within the form) and include as much detail as possible to help the SGA Finance Committee in making their decision. SGA reviews requests every Tuesday evening, be sure to submit your request at least two weeks before funds are needed. Funding is program/event specific, and any remaining funds after the program/event will revert back to SGA and may not be used for additional purchases. SGA will not provide funding for food for club meetings/events, unless the sole purpose of the club is centered around food.

    Weekend Programming Funding - RSOs may now submit requests for Weekend Programming funding, as long as the event meets the following criteria: 1) event is a Friday evening/night or any time on Saturday, 2) event is open to all Loyola students, and 3) event has a social component. Please note that Weekend Programming funding does not have the same parameters as SGA and does make allowances for food. To submit a proposal, fill out the Weekend Programming funding request form.

    Fundraising - All fundraisers must be registered and approved by Student Engagement. All money raised during a fundraiser must be brought to the Office of Student Engagement immediately, and we will deposit it for you. Any money clubs raise must be used by the end of the academic year that the funds were raised. Collecting and handling funds on third party applications (Venmo, GoFundMe, CashApp) are strictly prohibited for any sales, fundraising, or membership dues.

  • Can I be reimbursed for club-related purchases?

    No, we will not be able to process reimbursements. Do not spend your own money on anything club related.

  • How do I access my club's budget?

    Most clubs do not have their own accounts through Student Engagement. Please keep track of all funding/spending/fundraising within your club for your own records. If approved for SGA or Weekend Programming funding, Student Engagement will facilitate purchases for you.

  • How do I get my flyer approved to post in the Student Center?

    Come to the third floor Office of Student Engagement (OSE) and ask students working the front desk to look over your flyer for approval. If there is no student sitting at the front desk, you can ring the bell on the desk and someone in the office will come help you.

    (Pro tip: only print out one copy, and once your flyer is stamped, signed, and dated, the OSE can make up to 10 copies of your approved poster) We can also provide you with blue painters tape that you can use to post your flyers.

  • How do I recruit new club members?

    The Activities Fair isn't the only time to recruit new members! Here are a few easy ways to get students connected with your group:

    Tabling -- you can request to table at any point during the semester! Requests are done the same way as regular event requests, and it gives your group the opportunity to promote the club and upcoming events.

    Use your Bridge group! -- Students will be much more likely to join a group if they see a populated group page with information on meetings and upcoming events. The Bridge makes it easy to join a group, so be sure your group page is welcoming to new members.

    Utilize your join link and QR code -- another great feature of The Bridge is that each club has their own join link and QR code that others can click on or scan to join the group. You can put these on flyers, Digital Signage, or simply have a QR code printed out at your events, that way interested students can join!

    Be visible -- host events, collaborate with other student groups, show up to workshops, and apply for Club of the Month! There are so many ways to get your group out there.

  • How do I ensure my club is sustained beyond me graduating as a lead officer?

    Spend some time during the spring semester to discuss officer transition and select new officers at a club meeting. It is important that you work with these students to help them understand their responsibilities moving forward. Remember, everything you've done within your Bridge group is saved for new/future officers to review. Be sure to upload any important files, notes, and information that you found helpful during your time as lead officer.

  • Why do I need to attend a workshop?

    Workshops are created to cater to Club Officer and Leader needs -- whether this is process specific (club re-registration, officer transition, Bridge processes) or special interest topics aimed at personal and professional growth (leadership, transferrable skills, etc.) In many workshops, hands-on activities will be incorporated to give each attendee a way to personalize what they've learned in the workshop to use for their club (i.e., using Canva to create a club logo or event icon). Plus, you'll get to meet and connect with other club leaders on campus! Remember, the requirement is that at least one representative from each club attends at least one workshop per semester.